Investing in our Environment

ServiceMaster dean is committed to ensuring we protect our environment in all aspects of our
business operations. With this, we have teamed up with eforests.

As part of our commitment with EFORESTS, we pledge to plant 50 trees per quarter with an
additional tree planted for each new dient, certification of this planting sent upon contract start-up.

e forests

We are actively converting our vehicle fleet to Hybrid and Full Electric vehides and with the addition
of free to use electrical vehide charge points at our office for our staff to use.

e vehicle

We aim to follow and to promote good sustainability practice, and to find ways in which to
make a positive difference through our own actions and through seeking to influence the
action of others. Deliver only sustainable products and services to all our dient partners; and that,
where possible, only sustainable products and services are purchased from our suppliers.

Respecting the environment…

Because it matters to all of us.

Statement of Intent, We will:

  • Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an
    environmentally responsible manner.

  • Operate vehicle sharing by our mobile work force and manging their work into geographical
    zones to avoid unnecessary vehide journeys.

  • Reduce waste where possible through re-use and recycling of doths and mops and purchasing
    recyded, recyclable, or re-furbished, equipment products and materials where these alternatives
    are available, economical, and suitable.

  • Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our own facility induding water
    recyding and the use of LED lighting throughout our building and turning off all heating
    appliances when building not in use.

  • Converting our fleet of vehicles to hybrid and fully electric and the installation of free to use
    vehicle charging points for staff.

  • Working with third party organisations to help us meet our environment targets through local and
    national quarterly tree planting programs.

  • Strive to continually improve our environmental performance and minimise the social impact and
    damage of activities by periodically reviewing our environmental policy considering our current
    and planned future activities.
tree certificate
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Trusted by 100s of Customers
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Friendly &
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Premium Cleaning
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On Time,
Every Time

Why Choose Us?

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More than 20 years of professional cleaning experience
Friendly service and competitive rates
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Team of cleaners who love their job
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Excellent reviews and many return customers